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Visual Basic Form  |  1991-11-19  |  8KB  |  246 lines

  1. FrmUser
  2. New/Modify User
  3. Form2,
  4. TxtUserName
  5. user name - new
  6. LblUser
  7. User:
  8. LblUserName
  9. user name - modify
  10. ChkAccountDisabled
  11. Acc&ount Disabled
  12. Label1
  13. &Full Name:
  14. FmePrivilege
  15.     Privilege
  16. RdoPrivilege
  17. &Guest
  18. RdoPrivilege
  19. &User
  20. RdoPrivilege
  21. Ad&min
  22. TxtFullName
  23. FmePassword
  24. Password Options
  25. TxtPassword
  26. LblPassword
  27. Pa&ssword:
  28. PicPwdSeparator
  29. LblPwdLastChanged
  30. Last Changed:
  31. LblPwdChangedDate
  32. 10/19/91 04:23:17
  33. LblComment
  34.     &Comment:
  35. TxtComment
  36.     LblScript
  37. &Logon Script Path:
  38. TxtLogonScriptPath
  39. FmeHomeDir
  40. Home Directory
  41. FmePermissions
  42. Permissions
  43. RdoGroupPerms
  44. &This User
  45. PicPermsSeparator
  46. ChkPerms
  47. &Read
  48. LblGroupPerms
  49.     [RWCEDAP]
  50. ChkPerms
  51. &Write
  52. ChkPerms
  53. &Create
  54. RdoGroupPerms
  55. &GUESTS
  56. ChkPerms
  57. &Execute
  58. LblGroupPerms
  59.     [RWCEDAP]
  60. ChkPerms
  61. &Delete
  62. RdoGroupPerms
  63. &USERS
  64. ChkPerms
  65. &Attributes
  66. LblGroupPerms
  67.     [RWCEDAP]
  68. ChkPerms
  69. &Permissions
  70.     LblServer
  71. Ser&ver:
  72.     CmbServer
  73. LblShare
  74. S&hare:
  75. CmbShare
  76. LblDir
  77. Directory &Name:
  78. TxtHomeDir
  79. LblMaxStorage
  80. Ma&ximum Storage:
  81. TxtMaxStorage
  82. =    LblKBytes
  83. Kbytes
  84. CmdOK
  85.     CmdCancel
  86. Cancel
  87. CmdHelp
  88. &Help
  89. Check9_Click
  90. Label3_Click
  91. TxtLogonScriptPath_Change
  92. Command1_Click
  93. ChkPerms_Clickk
  94. Index
  95. SetPerms
  96. ChkPerms
  97. Value&
  99. SetDisplayPermsX
  100. LblGroupPerms
  101. CurrentGroup
  102. Caption
  103. array
  104. Form_Click|
  105. RdoGroupPerms_Click
  106. LblGroupPerms_Click
  107. SetCheckedPerms
  108.     Form_Load
  109. Remove_Items_From_Sysmenu
  110. A_Form
  111. FrmUser
  112. UserInfo
  113. usri2_flagsk
  115. CmdOK_Click
  116. GetUserControls
  117. SetUserInfo
  118. resulth
  119. CmdHelp_Click
  120. CmdCancel_Click
  121. CmbShare_ChangeJ
  122. GetUsersx
  123. TxtUserName
  124. Visible
  125. TRUE9
  126. TxtPassword
  127. LblUserName_Click
  128. LblUserName_Change
  129. LblComment_Click
  130. LblDir_Click/
  131. LblPassword_ClickJ
  132. LblPwdChangedDate_Clicke
  133. LblPwdLastChanged_Clickx
  134. LblScript_Click
  135. LblServer_Click
  136. LblShare_Clickt
  137. LblUser_Click
  138. LblUserName
  139. FALSE>
  140. CmbServer_Change
  141. CurrentServer
  142. LMNetShareEnum_L1
  143. Shares1a*
  144. ErrMsg
  145. LMError
  147. CmbShare
  148.     ListCountU
  149. shi1_netname
  150.     CmbServer
  151. CmbServer_LostFocus
  152. ServerChanged
  153. ServerChangedFlag^
  154. CmbServer_GotFocus
  155. CmbServer_Click
  156. FmeHomeDir_DragDrop
  157. Sourcex
  158. FmePassword_DragDropE
  159. FmePermissions_DragDrop
  160. FmePrivilege_DragDrop
  161.     ListIndex
  162.     ShareEnum
  163. ShareEnum2
  164. agServerChangedFlag
  165. CmbShare_GotFocus
  166.     GetWindow
  167. FrmMainE
  168. GW_CHILD
  169. lresult
  170. SendMessageR
  173. UNLEN
  174. WinHelp
  175. StartUpDir
  179.     HELP_USERf
  180. OpFlag
  182. Form_Unload
  183. Cancel
  184. Enabled
  185. LblUser
  186. PicPermsSeparator_Click
  187. ChkPwdCantChange_Click
  188. CurrentUser
  190. TxtFullName5
  191. PrevPtr
  192. MousePointer
  193.     HOURGLASS
  194. LbxUsers
  195. TxtComment
  196.  CurrentGroup indicates the currently selected group for
  197.  permissions (ThisUser (0), Guests (1), or Users (2)).
  198.  The values correspond to the Index of the LblGroupPerms
  199.  control array for these groups.
  200.  The ServerChangedFlag is used to indicate if thee
  201.  selected server for the home directory has changed.
  202.  This is used to trigger an Enum of the shares for
  203.  the server when it changes.
  204. ChkPerms_Click
  205.  When a permission is changed, update the displayedd
  206.  list for the selected radio of ThisUser, Guests, or Users.l
  207. SetDisplayPerms
  208.  Set the displayed permissions for the currently selectedd
  209.  permission group (ThisUser, Guests, or Users) based uponn
  210.  the value of the ChkPerms control array.r
  211.  checked
  212. RdoGroupPerms_Click
  213.  Set the CurrentGroup to the index of the selected group..
  214.  Set the checked perms for the group.p
  215. Form_Load
  216.  Remove unneeded items from the system menu.
  217.  Limit the length of text in the User text box
  218.  to UNLEN (max length for a user name)
  219.  Get the handle to the text box control.
  220.  Assume it is the first control of the form.
  221.  Get the current directory - to use when calling help files.
  222. CmdOK_Click
  223.  Save the changes for the user.
  224.  must be new useru
  225. Must have a user name"
  226. Error Adding User"
  227.  Set the focus for the User form to the first editable
  228.  control.f
  229.  enumerate the users in CurrentDomainI
  230. Save the comment field into the user list if it changedi
  231. CmdCancel_Click
  232.  Set the focus for the User form to the first editable
  233.  control.f
  234. CmbServer_Change
  235.  Set the ServerChangedFlag to TRUE if the server
  236.  name is changed and the User form is visible.
  237. CmbServer_LostFocus
  238.  If the server has been changed by entering aa
  239.  server directly (typing in the name), thenn
  240.  update the share combo box and reset thee
  241.  ServerChangedFlag.o
  242. CmbServer_Click
  243.  Update the share combo box when server is changed.t
  244. CmdHelp_Click
  245.  Call help for User form.